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WInterProduct Overview
Integrated Environment for development Embedded Systems software.

Integrated environment Comprises Of itself editor, translator, simulator, peripheral models, debug subsystem and testing subsystem.

Integrated environment is intended for automations of process of development of built-in system software and allows: get computer code of program, prototype performing a program, analyse process of modeling, use periphery models for simulation external influences, produce automatic testing the tinning programs.

WInter Integrated environment allows to lead a development of complex embedded system software with using the microcontroller models and peripherals.
User is afforded kit of facilities for preparing the source texts of program, translations them in the computer code, corrections of errors appeared at translations. A boot a tinning code possible to produce by means of the integrated environment in the processor model and realize its execution. In the same way user is given a chance execute a program in the step-by-step mode with the visualization of the contents of resources of microcontroller.
On the given moment created microcontroller models Intel 8051, Intel 8086, Atmel AT90S2313, Atmel AT90S2323, Motorola M68HC05 and Motorola M68HC08, TMS370, but in the same way models for pseudoprocessors MPA and VHDM. Besides possible making the models under the order.
Except models of microcontrollers possible using the peripheral models. There is a kit of standard peripherals including in itself monitor models, keyboards, port, indicators, generator DS and visualisators DS.
Integrated environment allows to organizine an automatic testing the tinning programs. Possible assign a kit of tests, but afterwards in the packet mode to realize a testing a program with shaping a report on the passing of tests.
Except using the models an ambience allows to produce an execution on real microcontrollers.

To the most important discriminating particularities WInter in contrast with other systems possible to refer the following: built-in full-function editor, using any programming languages, support of free processor models, debug with using the periphery models, possibility of execution on the real microcontroller, automatic testing.
In more detail on this possible hear here.

Universal ambience of development can be used on enterprises, in the design agency, laboratories, concerning with designing or testing the products on the base of microcontrollers.

486 or higher
16Mb RAM
5Mb on HDD
Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Comparing with Analogs
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