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The base activity is devoted to development of tools for creation teaching courses, control and training tasks as well as for automated proving of students solutions.
For today the following features are provided in the project Distance Learning in Belarus (DLB) (
  • Tools to create and to place studying courses, including theory and control tests

  • Tools for self-registration of students in DLB by INTERNET-online or E-mail

  • We mean that both way are provided for all students activity described below.
  • Tools for viewing by students all provided DLB studying courses as well as tools for describing for any course.

  • Tools to get theory, training and testing problems by students.

  • Tools to send solutions of training and testing problems to DLB

  • Tools for tuning of DLB testing system to different application domain

  • Tools for automated proving of solutions, sent by students

  • Tools for automated sending the results of proving to student and tutor

  • Tools for automated getting common tables of studying process

  • Tools for review of studying process

  • The project "Distance Learning in Belarus" was used for:
  • Gomel city and regional contests in informatics in 1999-2000

  • By-Correspondence Belorussian Republic Olempiad in Informatics

  • Course "ACM Olympiads in programming"

  • in Gomel Computer Science Week (In Russian only)

  •    from March, 13 to March, 18 (2000) to support the following activities:
  • Olympiad in informatics for scholars

  • ACM-Olympiad for teams (scholars, university students, programming professionals)

  • Contest in informatics & mathematics for scholars with age until 14 years

  • Contest on chess problems solving

  • Team contest in digital device design for students

  • Team student contest in assembler programs development for microcontrollers MCS-51 and AVR

    Embedded Systems Research Lab
    Network Technologies Research Lab

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