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IT Ráðgjöf og hugbúnaðarþjónusta ehf.

Fraud detection

:: Contact Person

IT Consultancy Ltd
Telephone: +354-8979858
Fax: +354-5666077

:: Collaboration
Project Proposal
Title: Fraud detection
Type Details: Building on the companies vast experience in fraud detection systems using artificial neural networks and expert systems;our intention is to
Further research and commercialize sequential learning.
Further research and commercialize automatic feature extraction.
Using our current experience and the above research to produce an embedded (Hardware and software) solution for use in risk management and fraud detection.
Research Interest: Computer science; Artificial intelligence
Expiry Date: 2004-01-08

:: Target Partner
Expertise: Java Programming.
Country: Any Country

:: Organisation Details
Name: IT Ráðgjöf og hugbúnaðarþjónusta ehf.
Region: ÍSLAND
Address: Brattholt 2B
Mosfellsbaer   270
Type: Consultancy; Research; Industry; SME (Small or Medium sized Enterprise)
Number of Employees: < 10
Details: Specializing in AI and Neural networks for fraud detection.
For the past 5 years, we have been working for one of the largest credit-card companies in early warning fraud applications and expert systems in fraud detection.
Keywords: ; AI; ANN; Fraud
RCN: 62344    
Quality Validation Date: 2003-02-20    
Update Date: 2003-03-11    

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