Go to directory where you downloaded the latest i8051 files
cd nameofdirectory
Create a directory called "work" in your project directory
mkdir work
Set the execute permission on the zsyn.all script file
chmod 700 zsyn.scr
Synthesize the files using the downloaded script file
zsyn.scr (this may take up to an hour)
Comment out line 15 in each of the following gate files (i.e. change
line 15 from "type UNSIGNED is array(INTEGER range <>) of std_logic;"
to "--type UNSIGNED is array(INTEGER range <>) of std_logic;") :
Analyze each of the files, there are two ways to do this:
Analyze each file seperatley, remebering to compile the innermost
entities first by using the following commands:
vhdlan i8051_lib.vhd
vhdlan i8051_alu_gate.vhd
vhdlan i8051_dec_gate.vhd
vhdlan i8051_ram_gate.vhd
vhdlan i8051_rom_gate.vhd
vhdlan i8051_ctr_gate.vhd
vhdlan i8051_all.vhd
vhdlan i8051_tsb.vhd
OR Analyze all the files by altering the script file provided:
Modify the zsim.scr file by changing:
"vhdlan i8051_alu" to "vhdlan i8051_alu_gate"
"vhdlan i8051_dec" to "vhdlan i8051_dec_gate"
"vhdlan i8051_ram" to "vhdlan i8051_ram_gate"
"vhdlan i8051_rom" to "vhdlan i8051_rom_gate"
"vhdlan i8051_ctr" to "vhdlan i8051_ctr_gate"
Set the execute permission on the script file:
chmod 700 zsim.scr
Execute the script file
Tracing Signals
Open the Synopsys VHDL Debugger by typing the following command:
Double click on "CFG_I8051_TSB" located in the Design window
Select the signals you want to trace in your entity
Click on "Misc" in the Synopsys VHDL Debugger window
Click on "Hierarchy Browser" in the pull-down menu
In the VSS Hierarchy Browser the arrow points to the top level entity
you are simulating
Click on the arrow to display the smaller elements that the top level
entity is composed of
The window to the right shows the signals corresponding to the entity
which the arrow points to
Continue clicking on the arrows until the right window displays the
signal you wish to trace
Double click on the signal you want to trace
The Synopsys Waveform Viewer should appear
Signals should appear in the Waveform Viewer
Click on "View" in the Waveform Viewer.
In the drop-down menu click on "Full Name". This will display the name
of the signal without all of the clutter.
In the Synopsys VHDL Debugger
enter the time (in nanoseconds) that you want to simulate
Click on Run
The waveforms will appear in the Synopsys Waveform Viewer
Note: The C code you wish to simulate should already be present in
the i8051_rom.vhd file before you start the synthesis. If it is not, follow the
steps below
Getting your C code ready to synthesize (i.e. converting your C file to VHDL
ROM model)
Compile your C file into Intel hex format (If you are using a KEIL
compiler you can follow the steps below)
c51 filename.c
bl51 filename.obj to filename.abs
oh51 filename.abs
Convert your hexfile into a VHDL ROM model
g++ -Wall i8051_mkr.cc
a.out filename.hex
a file called i8051_rom.vhd will be generated, copy this into your
project directory