Name: Alexey Fedortsov
Birth: 1975, Belarus, Gomel
Address: 246049, Belarus, Gomel, B.Hmelnitskogo 110 / 36
Phone: +375-232-578-256; +375-297-315-279 (mobile)
ICQ: 238621187



Ph. D.
Gomel State University named after Fr. Scorina
Chair of the Mathematical Problems of Management
Degree work: Method and tools for modeling of hardware/software systems based on microprocessors.



1997 – 2000

Postgraduate study
Gomel State University named after Fr. Scorina
Chair of the Mathematical Problems of Management
Specialty: Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks



1992 – 1997

Higher education
Gomel Polytechnical Institute named after P. Suchoy
Faculty of the Automatic and Electromechanics
Specialty: Industrial Electronics
Qualification: engineer
Diploma with honor
Theme of the diploma work is “In-Circuit Emulator for Intel 8051 microcontroller”.


Research and Work Experience


Research project

Researcher, Programmer

Intel (Summer School)

Study of boolean functions minimization algorithm (essential literals method) on a set of tests at various values of parameters and choice the most effective combinations. For this purpose was made:
- the library for data visualization with an opportunity of the subsequent embedding in the program of logic synthesis SIS is realized;
- the set of the tests is generated;
- minimization for a set of the tests is carried out at various values of parameters;
- dependence of functions complexity and transit time of signals at various values of parameters are made, using the realized library for visualization;
- most effective combinations of parameters are chosen.

Used language: C

Used tool: gcc

Target operating system: Linux



1999 – 2003

Integrated Environment for Co-Development of Software and Hardware of Embedded Systems (IEESD-2000 = HLCCAD + Winter)

Consultant, Tester

NewIT Labs

The system allows develop the complex hierarchically organized projects of the digital systems consisting from components of various levels of complexity, from logic gates to microcontrollers and microprocessors. It is also include universal high-level debugging tools: disassembler, source-level debugger, windows with registers, memories, stack, variables, etc. IEESD-2000 allows develop digital devices from idea to synthesized subset VHDL. The main advantages are: processors models support, modeling of software/hardware complexes, multiprocessors systems support.

IEESD-2000 has taken one of the first places in contest of the research projects in the field of designing integrated circuits carried out by Moscow physicotechnical institute and Intel. The application sending by scientific supervisor Ph.D Dolinsky M. has title “The integrated environment of transparent joint development of software and hardware for multiprocessor SoC”.



2002 – 2003

Processor Periphery Description Language (PPDL)


NewIT Labs

Syntax of special declarative language intended for the description of processors internal periphery is developed. Language allows describe pins, counters, timers, events, interruptions, execution by cycles, etc. Language is based on language C and in addition contains operators for work with bits ranges, strobes and the delayed calls.



1999 – 2001

Software models of microprocessors and microcontrollers for IEESD-2000, HLCCAD, Winter

Team Leader, Programmer

NewIT Labs

The special procedure of the description of microprocessors and microcontrollers in the high level languages is developed. The possibility of describing of the cores and periphery (pins, counters, timers, events, interruptions etc) is ensured. The program models of the following microprocessors are realized: Intel 8051, Atmel AVR, Motorola MC6805/08, MicroChip PIC, TI TMS370, ARM and DSP TI TMS320C54x.

Used languages: Pascal, Assembler

Used tool: Borland Delphi



1999 – 2001

UniICE – Universal in-circuit emulator

Team Leader, Hardware Developer, Programmer

NewIT Labs

This device intended for design and debugging the hardware and software of systems based on various types of 8/16/32 bit microcontrollers and  microprocessors. Allow running software in real time, step mode, with breakpoints and reading/modifying internal resources of target devices (memory, registers, stack etc).

Used technology: FPGA

Used languages: Pascal, Assembler

Used tools: Borland Delphi, ACCEL EDA, MAX+PLUS II




UniICS – Universal in-circuit simulator for any hardware/software systems.

Team Leader, Hardware Developer, Programmer

NewIT Labs

The universal in-circuit simulator UniICS is device for the design and debugging of the digital units of arbitrary complexity (including multiprocessing) in the real environment of functioning. Simulator is "bridge" between the software model and hardware device, which functions on the instrumental computer and certain hardware environment, with which this model interacts. Herewith simulator ensures a duplex translation of signals between the ambience of modeling and real equipment.

Used technology: FPGA

Used language: Pascal

Used tools: Borland Delphi, ACCEL EDA, MAX+PLUS II



1997 – 1998

ANT-97 – In-circuit emulator

Team Leader, Hardware Developer, Programmer 

AnTech, NewIT Labs

This device intended for debugging the hardware and software of systems based on microcontroller Intel 8051. Allow running software in real time, step mode, with breakpoints and reading/modifying internal resources of target devices (memory, registers, stack etc). ANT-97 released in the small package with the built-in power supply unit.

Used technology: PCB

Used languages: Pascal, Assembler for Intel 8051

Used tools: Borland Pascal, PCAD, INTER



2000 – 2001

Electronic key for software protection

Team Leader, Hardware Developer, Programmer

NewIT Labs

The device is connected to PC parallel port and decodes incoming data from the protected software.

Used languages: Pascal, Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontroller

Used tools: Borland Delphi, ACCEL EDA, IEESD-2000



1998 – 2003

Integrated Development Environment for Multiprocessors Embedded Systems (WInter)

Consultant, Tester, Hardware/Software Developer (in-circuit emulation)

NewIT Labs

IDE is allowed to develop the complicated software of the multiprocessors systems with use of the microcontrollers and peripheral devices models. The set of tools for editing source texts, compiling, correction of errors is given to the developers. It is possible to load received code in processors models and simulate systems execution. The main advantages are: integrated powerful editor, high-level languages support, project manager, external translators support, any processors support, external periphery modeling, hardware debugging devices support.

Used languages: Object Pascal, Assembler for Intel 8051

Used tool: Borland Delphi



1997 – 2003

High-Level Chip Computer-Aided Design (HLCCAD)

Consultant, Tester

NewIT Labs

System is intended for automations of designing the digital systems and allows to create digital device models, prototype create projects of devices, analysis of modeling results, generate synthesized VHDL, as well as use processor models in design devices.





Hardware Developer, Programmer

Device (model) for measuring the frequency of input signal and indication measured values on LCD. It was developed as demo-project for IEESD-2000.

NewIT Labs

Used language: Assembler for Atmel AVR

Used tool: IEESD-2000




Audio Converter

Hardware Developer

NewIT Labs

Device for converting AC97 output bit stream to D/A chips input stream and converting A/D output stream to AC97 chip input stream. Also possible to make some control operations.

Used tool: HLCCAD






NewIT Labs

Device (model) for addition, subtraction, multiplication and dividing the decimal numbers. It was developed as demo-project for Winter.

Used language: Assembler for Intel 8051

Used tool: Winter


Selected Own Projects


Device for refereeing during Brain-Ring competitions.
Used language: Assembler for AVR microcontrollers
Used tool: AVR Studio




Explanatory dictionary of Russian language
Shell for data base of words with their commentary articles.
Used language: Pascal
Used tool: Borland Delphi




Utility for extraction titles from HTML-documents and renaming this documents in accordance with titles.
Used language: Pascal
Used tool: Borland Delphi




Device for programming EPROM chips.
Used technology: PCB
Used language: C
Used tool: Borland C


Selected Publications


In-circuit emulation of microprocessors and microcontrollers
Automatic control and computer sciences, N.1, New York




Tools for development and debug of MCS51 microcontrollers
Chip News, N.6, Moscow




Universal in-circuit emulator
Digital Design / Belarusian Sciences Academy. Technical Cybernetics Institute. Minsk




In-circuit emulator
Favorable decision about getting of Russian Federation Patent on request
N 99125815/09(027298) of 2003.01.04




In-circuit emulator
Patent of Republic Belarus N 5454 of 2003.04.24




In-circuit emulator
Patent of Republic Belarus N 5494 of 2003.05.13


Honors and Awards


Gomel Municipal Award
For private contribution into applied research



High-level languages

C, Pascal, Basic



Hardware description languages




Assemblers for

Intel (x86, 8080/8085, 8048, 8051), Motorola 68HC05/08, Atmel AVR, ARM




IEESD-2000, Winter, HLCCAD, INTER, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual C++, Altera MAX+PLUS II, Xilinx WebPack, ACCEL EDA, PCAD, AVR Studio, Turbo C, Turbo Pascal, Borland C, Borland Pascal, gcc, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft FrontPage



Operating systems

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows 3.11, DOS, Linux

Foreign languages

German, English (read)