Michael Dolinsky

Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya 104
Gomel State University

Work: (232) 604237
Home: (232) 421544


New IT in Education
EDA Tools for HW/SW Co-Development


1995 Ph.D. Scientific-Research Institute of the problems of computers and informatics, Moscow, Russia
The theme: "Method and tools for automation of high level design of digital systems"
1985-1989 - Institute of Radiotechnics, Electronics and Automatics,Moscow, Russia, computer faculty, graduating diploma with honor
1983 - Courses on Center for programmers of PDP-11, Kiev, Ukraine, graduating diploma with honor
1974-1979 - Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus, mathematical faculty, graduating diploma with honor

Research and Work Experience  

The Founder and the Head of New IT Labs
Gomel State University, Belarus
1987 - present

The head of the all New IT Labs projects in two main directions:
Tools for Embedded System Design
Distance Learning
In years 2002, 2003 the tools developed by New IT Research Labs are selected to present Research & Development of Belarus on the CeBIT 2002, CeBIT 2003 - the world largest exhibition on computer technologies that is helding annually in March in Hannover, Germany.
We have got the following patents on the research themes in year 2003:
In-circuit emulator. Patent of Russian Federation N 2214621 of 2003.10.20
In-circuit emulator. Patent of Republic Belarus N 5494 of 2003.05.13
In-circuit emulator. Patent of Republic Belarus N 5454 of 2003.04.24

For that time tree members of New IT earned Ph.D degrees:
2002 year : Vjacheslav Litvinov
2001 year : Alexey Fedortsov
1996 year : Igor Zisselman
The members of the New IT Labs regularly is winning the Belorussian Scientific Student Contests, as well as the grants for young researches from Belorussian Ministry of Education and from Belorussain Fund for Base Researches
In year 2000 the New IT Research Labs won the grant from Special Fund of the President of Republic Belarus

The member of International Scientific Organizations
1999 - 2006

From 1999 - the member of IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer): Computer Society, Education Society. Participation in the work of Technical Committees on Computer Architecture and Design Automation.
From 2001 - the member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

The Lecturer on the Chair "Mathematical Problems of Control", mathematical faculty,
Gomel State University, Belarus
1992 - present (assoc. prof. from 1999)

Teaching courses during the time:
"Computer and Programming" (for 1-st year students)
"Architecture of Computers and Systems" (for 2-nd year students)
"The Foundation of Computers" (for 3-rd,4-th year students)
Leading of degree works for 5-th year students
For all courses there are electronics copies of lectures.
All lectures are given in special room with connection between computer and TV-broadcasting.
The courses labs are organized with help of the project "Distance Learning"

The coach of university students programming team
Gomel State University, Belarus
1996 - present

The Gomel University team participated in ACM world university programming contest from 1996.
1998-2015 - participants of 1/4 final in Minsk
1996-2015 - reguraly participants of 1/2 final in Sankt-Petersburg
The best results in 1/2 final - 15-th place in 1997

The Head of Sunday Training Center in Informatics and Programming, the coach of Gomel scholars team in informatics
Gomel, Belarus
1997 - present

The best Gomel scholars results in informatics during this time (1997-2015):
- 9 Gold, 11 Silver and 8 Bronze medals on International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). IOI Statistics
- near 10 winners of Belorussian Olympiad in Informatics annually

The teacher of special course in informatics in School 27
Gomel, Belarus
1997 - present

From September, 1997 to May, 2000 this special course was given for pupils of 8-th form. The pupils of this classes regularly won the Gomel Olympiad in informatics and participated in Belorussian Olympiad in Informatics. Alexey Danchenko won the Belorussian Olympiad in informatics in years 1998, 1999, 2000. All 3 times he participated in International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). In 1999 and 2000 he won silver medals of IOI.
From September, 2000 this special course is given for pupils of 5-th form. In 2003 Gomel Regional Olympiad in informatics the 7-th form pupil Vladimir Minjailov won the 1 place in 9-form pupils contest as well as 7-th form pupil Sergey Veraksich won 2 place in 9-form pupils contest. In 2003 Belarusian Olympiad in Informatics Vladimir Minjailov won diploma in 9-form pupils contest.

The Head of Information Computing Center (ICC)
Gomel State University, Belarus
1997 - 2001

During the time the ICC had created for university the camp computer network, the system for financial, research and education management, E-mail service, WWW-site, and teached to work with computer network hundreds of university workers and students.

Honors and Awards  

Special Belarus President Fund Award (April, 2004)
For private contribution into development of capabilities of talented students
Diploma of Intel-contest of research projects in electronic design automation (May, 2003)
For the project "Integrated Environment for hardware/software co-development of multiprocessor system-on-a-chip"

Diploma of Belarus Ministry of Education (March, 2002)
For high quality heading of students research

Special Belarus President Fund Award (January, 2000)
For private contribution into development of capabilities of talented students

Special Belarus President Fund Award (December,1998)
For private contribution into development of capabilities of talented students

The Gomel University Scientific Award (May, 1997)
For the set of researches on the theme high level design"

Diploma of Belarus Ministry of Education (January,1997)
For high quality heading of students research

The best author of "RadioWorld. Your Computer" magazine award (December, 2003-2000)
For high quality articles during the year

Selected Publications  

Michael Dolinsky
High-level design of embedded hardware-software systems

"Advances in Engineering Software" , Vol 31, No 3, March, 2000, UK, Oxford, "ELSEVIER"

Michael Dolinsky Integrated Environment IEESD-2000 for embedded system development
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, New York, 1999, Vol.33, No 3, pp. 24-32

Michael Dolinsky, Igor Ziselman, Alexey Fedortsov
In-circuit emulators of microprocessors and microcontrollers

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, New York, 1999 Vol 33, No 1, pp.53-56

Michael Dolinsky, Igor Ziselman, Artur Harrasov
Computer-Aided design of microprogrammed devices

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, New York, 1997, Vol. 31, No 5, pp.59-63

Michael Dolinsky, Igor Ziselman, Sergey Belotsky
Metalanguage for Peripherals Description and Simulation

Tagungsband 1997, des 42. Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, Seite 587.

Ivan Maximey, Michael Dolinsky, Victor Levchuk
Program and technological tools for complex system modeling

AMSE Periodicals "ADVANCES IN MODELING & ANALYSIS ", Paris, vol.39, No 1, 1993, pp 1-10

All the following articles are published in Russian language:

Michael Dolinsky
The series of articles on EDA tools developed in New IT Research Labs

""Components & Technologies", Moscow
2003, No 1-9
2002, No 8-9

Michael Dolinsky
The series of articles on algorithms development and programming teaching

"RadioWorld. Your Computer", Moscow
2003, No 1-12
2002, No 1-12
2001, No 1-3, 4-12
2000, No 1-6, 8-9

Michael Dolinsky
Tendencies and perspectives of EDA tools for embedded systems development

The proceedings of the IV-th International conference "Computer-Aided Design of Digital Devices", Minsk, 2001, Vol. II, p.116-126

Michael Dolinsky
Tools for embedded systems development

"Engineer microelectronics", Moscow, 2000, No 1, p.68-72

Michael Dolinsky
Application of integrated environment for embedded systems development IEESD-2000 to develop the systems on the base FPSLIC

"Chip News", Moscow, 2000, No 7, p.45-47

Michael Dolinsky
Integrated Environment IEESD-2000 for embedded system development

"Automatics and computers", Riga, Latvia, 1999, Vol.33, No 3, pp. 26-35

Michael Dolinsky, Igor Ziselman, Sergey Belotsky
Tools for high level design of microprocessors and microcontrollers

"Electronics", Sankt-Petersburg, 1996, No 4, P.51-59

Michael Dolinsky, Igor Ziselman, Sergey Belotsky
Debugger-interpreter for assembler programs with tune possibilities

"Programming", Moscow, 1995, No 6, p.36-45

Michael Dolinsky
Virtual Computer Science Week

Proceedings of the Second International Conference Internet. Education. Science (IES-2000), 10-12 October, 2000 Vinnytsa, Ukraine, pp. 95-98

Michael Dolinsky, Artem Kuznetsov, Daniel Degtjarev, Sergey Mosko, Constantine Sudilovsky
The Project "Distance Learning in Belarus"

Proceedings of the Second International Conference Internet. Education. Science (IES-2000), 10-12 October, 2000 Vinnytsa, Ukraine, pp. 194-197



Common questions: Teams organizing, projects control, new theory and tools studying, reports and papers preparation, oral and written technical English language; enough level of knowledges  to control the according researches and developments for enumerated below application areas

High-Level Languages: Object Pascal, C++, C, VHDL, AHDL, Basic.
Assemblers: Intel 80x86, Intel 8051, Atmel 90S2323, Motorola 68HC05/08, Texas Instruments TMS370, Microchip PIC17C4X.
CAD Tools: Borland Delphi, Mentor Renoir, Mentor ModelSim, Altera MAX+PLUSII.
Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 3.11.

Relevant Coursework  

- Hardware/Software Co-Development of Embedded Systems
- Tools for HW/SW Co-development of Embedded Systems
- On-line courses for HW/SW co-development of Embedded Systems


New Information Technology Labs


Gomel State University named after F.Scorina


IEESD-2000 - Integrated Environment for Embedded System Design


Distance Learning Belarus


Gomel Computer Science Week


CeBIT 2002 - the world largest computer technologies exhibition


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE)


The IEEE Computer Society


Association for Computing Machinery
