Developing of new microprocessor and microprocessor systems meet serious obstacles: volumes and difficulty of designed hardware and software systems is large, so traditional tools for creation the systems (including systems based on VHDL) became insuffic
Functional possibilities of proposing tools consist from 3 groups: processor description, assembler program debugging and investigating designed hardware&software system. At first it is necessary to study (or to develop) described processor and to in
We have introduced metalanguage to describe processor semantic and assembler syntax. Fundamental units of the meta-language are metacommands and metainstructions. Metacommands serves to describe processor storage elements such as registers, flags, memory
[into ()]
and declaration of bit storage element (bit objects) is as follows:
[into ()]
Example 1. Registers bank declaration for Intel 8086.
Address: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Init(R,byte,26,2,ordinal,ordinal) // registers bank declaration
Keyword 'ordinal' means that high element is located in lower address.
Individual registers and flags (object variables) are described as fields of corresponding objects. For example, for integer variables one can use metacommand as follows:
Example 2. Declaration of registers AX, AH, AL for Intel 8086.
There are 2 special object types: MEMORY and FLAGS. Program variables, defined by corresponding assembler command (db, dw) automatically located in object MEMORY. Imbedded metaassembler flags (zero, carry, sign, ove
After description objects and its variables it is necessary to describe processor instruction algorithms using metaassembler metainstructions. Metainstructions set is powerful and include arithmetical (integer, binary-decimal and float), logical, shift, move and branch metainstructions. So usually processor instruction described with one metainstruction, else one can use metafunction (sequence of few metainstructions) to describe needed processor instruction.
There are 7 formats of metainstructions:
Format 1. One-operand metainstructions
metainstructions: _INC _DEC _CLR _PUSH
Format 2. Two-operand metainstructions
metainstructions: _MOV _MOVS _NOT _ACOS _ASIN
Format 3. Three-operand metainstructions
metainstructions: _ADD _SUB _IMUL _MUL _FADD
Format 4. Division metainstruction
metainstructions: _DIV _IDIV
Format 5. Metainstruction _IF
_IF Format 6. Metainstruction of unconditional branch
_JUMP Format 7. Metainstruction for flags setting
_SET Format 8. Zero-operand metainstructions
metainstructions: _EXIT _NOP _RETURN
Processor instruction description may be done as shown below:
function (,...
..., ): (or or )
(or or )
Example 3. Description of Intel 80x86 instruction CBW.
- convert byte to word with sign extension
from AL into AX, unchanging flags
function CBW
_movs AL AX
_returnExample 4. Description of Intel 80x86 instruction IDIV.
IDIV source
- if source-byte
then AL := quotient of (AX / source)
AH := remainder of (AX / source)
else AX := quotient of (DX,AX / source)
DX := remainder of (DX,AX / source)
OF,CF - is set or cleared as appropriate
AF,PF,SF,ZF - is in undetermined state
function IDIV(source):size
_if (size=1) _jump ActByte // jump onto label ActByte if size=1
_idiv DX:4 source AX DX oc???? // dividing double word by word
_exit // exit from metafunction
ActByte. _idiv AX source AL AH oc???? // dividing word by byte
There are three ways to set flags of described processor:
- by any metainstructions (_mov, for example):
_mov 1 CF
- by special metainstruction _set:
- setting by embedded flags:
execution of each metainstruction form embedded flags; using of Flags_Field may change processor flags by values of embedded flags.
After processor semantic description it is necessary to define assembler. Full assembler description includes four formats of assembler commands:
In such a way there is proposed sequentially define the following information: symbol(s) of comment line, constant name format, assembler command for constants definition, memory name format, assembler command for memory definition, label format, symbol(
Let we want to describe the following two group of instructions (Intel 80x86):
1) Instructions: INC, DEC, NEG, NOT
Format : : or
Examples of assembler program fragments:
; Instruction Comment Operand Name
inc ax ; Registers moRegister
inc al ; increment moRegister
inc nameB ; (nameB db ...) moNameRS1
inc nameB+4 ; Increment of byte aoN1_O
inc nameB[bx] ; in memory aoN1_B
inc nameW ; (nameW dw ...) moNameRS2
inc nameW+6 ; Increment of word aoN2_O
inc nameW[bx] ; in memory aoN2_B
inc byte ptr [bx] ; increment of byte aoMB
inc word ptr [bx] ; increment of word aoMB
inc word ptr 10[bx] ; with base register aoMW
2) Instructions: ROL, RCL, RCR, ROR, SAR, SAL, SHR, SHL
Format : , : or
: or
rol ax,cl ; circular shift left of register AX
shr byte ptr [bx],1 ; logical shift right of byte
; register BX contains the byte address
We need to use the following metacommands:
Instruction Group
Instruction Set ...
Group Combination ...
Operand Set = ...
Operand Format
Part = ...
Literal Standard
Names of metassembler standard operands,parts, and literals have the following prefixes:
mc - MetaCharacter set
mo - MetaOperand
mp - MetaPart
mr - Meta Range for literals
There are recommended the following name prefixes for described processor elements:
al - Assembler Literal
ap - Assembler Part
ao - Assembler Operand
as - Assembler Set of operands
Example 5. Fragment of assembler description.
Instruction Group gID 1
Instruction Set INC DEC NEG NOT
Group Combination moRegister asMemorySize
Instruction Group gRS 2
Group Combination moRegister aoRS
asMemorySize aoRS
Operand Set asMemorySize = asMemory1 asMemory2
Operand Set asMemory1 = moNameRS1 aoN1_O
Operand Set asMemory1 = aoN1_B aoMB
Operand Set asMemory2 = moNameRS2 aoN2_O
Operand Set asMemory2 = aoN2_B aoMW
Operand F aoN1_O 1 M(+@)
F aoN1_B 1 [] M(@+)
F aoMB 1 BYTEPTR[] M()
F aoMB 1 BYTEPTR[] M(+)
F aoN2_O 2 M(+@)
F aoN2_B 2 [] M(@+)
F aoMW 2 WORDPTR[] M()
F aoMW 2 WORDPTR[] M(+)
Operand F aoRS 1 CL CL
Operand F aoRS 1 1 1
Part apRB = BX BP
Literal Standard alO 02 mrSigned2
B 1
Literal Standard alO 10 mrSigned2
Literal Standard alO 10 mrSigned2
D 1
Literal Standard alO 16 mrSigned2
H 1
Literal Standard alN 02 mrUnion2
B *
Literal Standard alN 10 mrUnion2
Literal Standard alN 10 mrUnion2
D *
Literal Standard alN 16 mrUnion2
H *
where standard designations:
moRegister - all regiaters
moNameRS1,moNameRS2 - byte, word operands in memory
- "blanks" group
mrSigned2 - integer in word (from 2 bytes)
mrUnion2 - unsigned or integer in word
@ - address
user descriptions:
aoN1_O , aoN2_O - byte, word operand in memory with offset
aoN1_B , aoN2_B - byte, word operand in memory with base register
aoMB , aoMW - byte, word operand in memory with offset and
base register
aoRS - register CL or number 1
M - name of object MEMORY
As defined above, introduced semantic description metalanguage includes metacommands to define processor memory element (registers, flags, stack, memory etc.) as well as metainstructions to describe processor instruction algorithms. The powerful set of m
One can define metafunction called for concrete operand type by metacommand Operand Function, that has the following format:
Operand Function
- 'BEFORE' - if metafunction is called before
execution of the instruction
'AFTER' - if metafunction is called before
execution of the instruction
To describe processor internal functional blocks we introduce special metacommand MarkFun, with that one can mark metafunctions executing at pointed time. Metacommand MarkFun has the following format:
MarkFun ...
where Type_of_Mark is as follows:
Call - instruction of procedure call
Ret - instruction of return from procedure
Load - metafunction, doing once at loading of processor
Init - metafunction, doing every time before assembler
program execution. It may be used to initialize
processor memory elements
Done - metafunction, doing every time after program
execution is finished
BeforeInstr - metafunction, doing before execution of every
instruction of assembler program
AfterInstr - metafunction, doing after execution of every
instruction of assembler program
For effective description of complex addressing mode metainstruction list was supplemented by the following metainstructions:
_circ Reg Size Step Sign Dst // circular addressing
_bitrev Reg Index Dst // bit-reversed addressing
Examples of modern architecture features description for digital signal processor TMS320c40 with the metalanguage are given below.
; Operand with circular addressing
Operand Format aoInd++% 4 *++()% M(*4)
Operand Format aoInd--% 4 *--()% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndS++% 4 *++% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndS--% 4 *--% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndR++% 4 *++()% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndR--% 4 *--()% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndB++% 4 *++()% M(*4)
Operand Format aoIndB--% 4 *--()% M(*4)
; Metafunction call for operand with circular addressing
Operand Function aoInd++% After CalcCirc 4 0
Operand Function aoInd--% After CalcCirc 4 -1
Operand Function aoIndS++% After CalcCirc 4 1 0
Operand Function aoIndS--% After CalcCirc 4 1 -1
Operand Function aoIndR++% After CalcCirc 4 0
Operand Function aoIndR--% After CalcCirc 4 -1
Operand Function aoIndB++% After CalcCirc 4 0
Operand Function aoIndB--% After CalcCirc 4 -1
; Operand with bit-reversed addressing
Operand Format aoIndB 4 *++(IR0)B M(*4)
; Metafunction call for operand with bit-reversed addressing
Operand Function aoIndB After CalcBitR 4 IR0
Fragment of syntax description file:
CalcCirc (internal metafunction for circular addressing)
ARn - address register
step - step of changing
sign - direction of changing
function CalcCirc(ARn,step,sign=0):4
_circ ARn 4 step sign ARn
CalcBitR (internal metafunction for bit-reversed addressing)
ARn - address register
AIR0 - index register
function CalcBitR(ARn,AIR0):4
_bitrev ARn AIR0 ARn
Example 7. Fragment of description for processor TMS320c40. Instruction RPTS - repeat single instruction.
Fragment of semantic description file:
// Object and variable descriptions
Init(Bank2 , byte, 20, 4, ordinal, invert)
Integer ( ST, Bank2, 0, 4) // state register
Init(F1,flags,32,1,ordinal) into Bank2(0) // flag register
Integer(RM ,F1, 8,1) // flag "repeat mode"
// Registers, used in repeat commands
Init(Bank3 , byte, 12, 4, ordinal, invert)
Integer ( RS, Bank3, 0, 4) // repeat start address
Integer ( RE, Bank3, 4, 4) // repeat end address
Integer ( RC, Bank3, 8, 4) // repeat counter
// Auxiliary bits
RPTS Repeat single instruction
Syntax RPTS
Operation src -> RC
1 -> ST(RM)
1 -> S
Next PC -> RS
Next PC -> RE
Description The RPTS instruction allows a single instruction
to be repeated a number of times without any
penalty for looping. Fetches can also be made
from the instruction register (IR), thus avoiding
repeated memory access.
The operand is loaded into the repeat counter
(RC). A 1 is written into the repeat mode bit of
the status register ST (RM). A 1 is also written
into repeat single bit (S). This indicate that the
program fetches are to be performed only from the
instruction register. The next PC is loaded into
the repeat end address register (RE) and the repeat
start address register (RS).
For the immediate mode, operand is assumed to
be an unsigned integer and is not sign-extended.
Status Bits Unaffected : LUF, LV, UF, N, Z, V, C
Mode Bit OVM Operation is not affected by OVM bit value
Example RPTS AR5
Before instruction:
PC = 123h ST = 0h RE = 0h RS = 0h RC = 0h AR5 = 0FFh
After instruction:
PC = 124h ST = 100h RE = 124h RS = 124h RC = 0FFh AR5 = 0FFh
function RPTS(src):4
_movs PC RS // load repeat start address
_movs PC RE // load repeat end address
_movs 1 RM // set repeat mode bit of status register
_movs 1 S // set repeat single bit
_movs src RC // load repeat counter
_movs 1 sb // set mode 'first execution of RPTS'
// Metafunction executing after each instruction
function AfterInstr:4
_if ((RM=1)&(sb=1)) _jump BRep // First execution RPTS
_if (RM=1) _jump DoRep // next instruction repeat
_jump cont
DoRep. _if (S=1) _jump RepS
RepS. _if (RC>0) _jump Next // repeat is not finished
ResetB. _mov 0 RM // reset repeat mode bit
_mov 0 S // reset repeat single bit
_movs RE+1 PC // set PC
Next. _sub RC 1 RC // decrement repeat counter
_if (RM=1) _movs RS PC // if repeat mode bit is 1
// set PC on repeat start
_jump cont
BRep. _mov 0 sb // reset mode 'first execution
// of RPTS'
cont. _nop
// Initialization before start of assembler program
function Start
_movs 0 DP // Data Page Pointer
_movs 8000 SP
_movs 0 ST // -> RM:=0
_movs 0 sb
Fragment of syntax description file:
; Mark of initialization metafunction
MarkFun Init Start
; Mark of metafunction that will been executed after each
; instruction execution
MarkFun AfterInstr AfterInstr
Example 8. Fragment of description for processor TMS320c40. Instruction RPTB - repeat block of instruction.
Fragment of semantic description file:
RPTB Repeat block of instructions
Syntax RPTB
Operation src -> RE
1 -> ST(RM)
Next PC -> RS
Description RPTB allows a block of instructions to be repeated
a number of times without any penalty for looping.
This instruction activates the block repeat mode of
updating the PC. The operand is a 24-bit
unsigned immediate value that is loaded into the
repeat end address (RE) register. A 1 is written
into the repeat mode bit (RM) of status register ST
to indicate that the PC is being updated in the
repeat mode. The address of the next instruction
is loaded into the repeat start address (RS)
Status Bits Unaffected : LUF, LV, UF, N, Z, V, C
Mode Bit OVM Operation is not affected by OVM bit value
Example RPTB 127h
Before instruction:
PC = 123h ST = 0h RE = 0h RS = 0h
After instruction:
PC = 124h ST = 100h RE = 127h RS = 124h
function RPTB(src):4
_movs PC RS // load repeat start address
_movs src RE // load repeat end address
_movs 1 RM // set repeat mode bit of status register
_movs 0 S // reset repeat single bit
_movs 1 sb // set mode 'first execution of RPTS'
// Metafunction executing after each instruction
(see also above)
function AfterInstr:4
_if ((RM=1)&(sb=1)) _jump BRep
_if (RM=1) _jump DoRep
_jump cont
DoRep. _if (S=1) _jump RepS
_if (PC<>RE+1) _jump cont // blok is not ended
_if (RC>0) _jump Next
_jump ResetB
RepS. ...
ResetB. _mov 0 RM
_mov 0 S
_movs RE+1 PC
Next. _sub RC 1 RC
_if (RM=1) _movs RS PC
_jump cont
BRep. _mov 0 sb
_jump cont
cont. _nop
Example 9. Fragment of description for processor TMS320c40. Instructions BcondD - delayed branches.
Fragment of semantic description file:
// Auxiliary objects and variables
Integer(JMPa,Bytes,00,5) // branch address
Integer(JMPS,Bytes,05,1) // execution address
// Auxiliary metafunction for delayed branches
function SetD(src):4
_mov 1 sh // set delayed brunch bit
_movz src JUMPa // set branch address
_movz PC+3 JUMPs // set execution address
BcondD Branch Conditionally (Delayed)
Syntax BcondD
Operation If cond is true
if is in register addressing mode (Rn)
-> PC
if is in PC-relative mode (label or address)
displacement + PC +3 -> PC
else continue
Description BcondD signifies a delayed branch that allows the
three instructions after the delayed brunch to be
fetched before the PC is modified. The effect is a
single cycle branch and the three instructions
following BcondD will not affect the cond.
Status Bits Unaffected : LUF, LV, UF, N, Z, V, C
Mode Bit OVM Operation is not affected by OVM bit value
* y:=(x-3.0)*1.5, if x<0 * y:="(x-3.0)-2.0," if x>=0
LDF *+AR1(5),R2 ; Load X into R2
BGED SKIP ; if x>=0 (delayed) goto SKIP
; delayed executions (executed with any x)
LDF R2,R1 ; R1:=R2
SUBF 3.0,R1 ; R1:=R1 - 3.0
NOP ; third delayed instruction (empty)
MPYF 1.5,R1 ; Continue if loaded into R2 x<0 . . . SKIP SUBF 2.0,R1 ; Continue if loaded into R2 x>=0
function BUD(oper):4 // unconditional delayed brunch
SetD oper
function BGED(oper):4 // delayed brunch on N=0
_if (N=0) SetD oper
// Metafunction executing after each instruction
function AfterInstr:4
_if ((sh=1)&(JUMPs=PC)) _jump DoJUMP
DoJUMP. _clr sh // reset delayed brunch bit
_mov JUMPa PC // load branch address into PC
And finally full text of metafunction AfterInstr
function AfterInstr:4
_if ((RM=1)&(sh=1)) _jump JMP4D // RPTBD
_if ((RM=1)&(sb=1)) _jump BRep
_if (RM=1) _jump DoRep
_if (sh=1) _jump JMP4
_jump cont
JMP4. _add 1 noJMP noJMP
_if (noJMP=4) _mov 0 sh
_if (noJMP=4) _movs addrJMP PC
_jump cont
JMP4D. _add 1 noJMP noJMP
_if (noJMP=4) _mov 0 sh
_if (noJMP=4) _jump DoRep
_jump cont
DoRep. _if (S=1) _jump RepS
_if (PC<>RE+1) _jump cont // RPTB
_if (RC>0) _jump Next
_jump ResetB
RepS. _if (RC>0) _jump Next // RPTS
ResetB. _mov 0 RM
_mov 0 S
_movs RE+1 PC
Next. _sub RC 1 RC
_if (RM=1) _movs RS PC
_jump cont
BRep. _mov 0 sb
_jump cont
cont. _nop
Example 10. Fragment of description for processor TMS320c40. Parallel instructions ABSF||STF
Fragment of syntax description file:
; ABSF src2,dst1 || STF src3,dst2
; Declaration of instruction group with 3 operands:
; src2, dst1 || STF src3 and dst2
Instruction Group agABSF|| 3
Instruction Set ABSF NEGF
Instruction Set TOIEEE FRIEEE
Group Combination agABSF|| asIndirect1 ao||ABSF asIndirect1
; Description of second operand ( dst1 || STF src3 )
Operand F ao||ABSF ||STF 1
Fragment of semantic description file:
function ABSF(src2,(dst1=src2,no=0,src3=0),dst2=0):4
// (no=1) ABSF src2,dst1 STF src3,dst2
_if (no=1) _fmov src3 tempF // store src3 into tempF
_if (src2=0x7F80000000) _jump Ovflw
_fabs src2 dst1
_fcom dst1 0.0 -0z00
_jump cont
Ovflw. _mov 0x7FFFFFFFFF dst1 -10001
Cont. _if (no=1) _fmov tempF dst2 // execute STF src3,dst2
Examples 6-10 illustrate possibilities to describe processors with any complexity using the introduced metalanguage. Moreover, this metalanguage allows to describe not only processor but also peripherals and environment interacting with it.
Probabilistic commands for value setting
Probabilistic commands for value setting are using for random process simulating (call for interruptions etc.)
- Single probabilistic value setting
$Sp[Number] [:=]...
where Number is in interval 1..65535.
Value(s) setting by this command will be doing with probability 1/Number.
- Global probabilistic value setting
$SGp[Number] [:=]...
where Number is in interval 1..65535.
After this shadow command will be processed, each processor instruction execution call probabilistic value setting described by the shadow command. "Hot" start don't delete action of the shadow command.
- Global interval value setting
$SGi[Number] [:=]...
where Number is in interval 1..65535.
After this shadow command will be processed, execution of Number processor cycles call probabilistic value setting described by the shadow command. "Hot" start don't delete action of the shadow command.
- Cancel all global setting
All global settings (probabilistic as well interval) are cancelled.
To describe peripherals we propose to use the same metalanguage as for processor description. This possibility is illustrated by doing of example from "TMS370 Microcontrollers. Application Report. (Texas Instrument Inc., 1994)": Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver. In this example a microcontroller TMS370C010 interacts with a v
We describe microcontroller TMS370C010, interruptions with timer, Serial Peripheral Interface module and 4 digit display common anode. Then the program given in application report were realized.
Described above metalanguage is powerful means for description of processor with peripherals and external environment. This fact is confirmed also by the list of already described processors:
Digital signal processors from Texas Instruments TMS320c30, c40, c50, c80 (Master Processor) and from Analog Devices ADSP-210x0
Transputers T414, T800
Popular 8-bit microcontrollers and microprocessors Intel 8051, PICxxx, TMS370xxx, Intel 8080, Z80
Popular 16-bit microprocessors: Intel 8086/8087, Intel 8096
"Old" processors: PDP-11, IBM 360/370, Apple (6502)
Diverse hypothetical processors (to research power of a metalanguage for processor description)
Processor, controlled by flows of data
Database processor
Processor for language FORTH
Programmable microcalculators MC-61, MC-64
Moreover, the metalanguage is supported be comprehensive IDE (integrated development environment). IDE has standard multi-window interface (menu, window resizing & moving, mouse support, context-sensitive help, colour tuning, service etc) and standar
The tool system works on IBM-compatible PC under management MS DOS or Windows (session DOS), has the versions under real and protected modes. The maximum configuration requires about 5 Mb on a hard disk and depends on a number of processor descriptions.
Example 1. Registers bank declaration for Intel 8086 Example 2. Declaration of registers AX, AH, AL for Intel 8086 Example 3. Description of Intel 80x86 instruction CBW Example 4. Description of Intel 80x86 instruction IDIV Example 5. Fragment of assembler description Example 6. TMS320c40. Description of bit-reversed and circular addressing Example 7. TMS320c40. Instruction RPTS - repeat single instruction Example 8. TMS320c40. Instruction RPTB - repeat block of instruction Example 9. TMS320c40. Instructions BcondD - delayed branches Example 10. TMS320c40. Parallel instructions ABSF||STF Example 11. Intel 8051. Global call for interruption with probability 0.01